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Benefits of Diatomaceous earth for Houseplants

Q&A: Does this kill fugus gnats and their larvae? - Benefits of Diatomaceous earth for Houseplants

Does this kill fungus gnats and their larvae?

Diatomaceous Earth for Fungus Gnats:
Diatomaceous earth (DE) kills insects by mechanically damaging their exoskeletons, causing them to dry out and die:

How it works

absorbing the oils and fats from the cuticle of the insect's exoskeleton

DE is a fine powder made from the fossilized remains of diatoms, microscopic sea creatures with hard silica shells. The sharp edges of the DE particles scratch and cut through the insect's exoskeleton, disrupting the waxy coating and creating openings for moisture to escape.

How to use it

DE can be sprinkled at the base of plants or used to create a barrier. It can be used indoors to control bed bugs, fleas, cockroaches, and carpet beetles.

How long it takes

The time it takes for DE to kill an insect can range from a few hours to a few days, depending on the insect and the conditions. Large infestations may require multiple applications.


DE is non-toxic and does not pose any harm to humans or pets when used correctly. However, there are two main types of DE: pool-grade and food-grade. Pool-grade DE is more hazardous to touch or breathe for humans and other large animals. You should always follow label instructions for DE and take steps to minimize exposure.
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