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What is Ferulic Acid?

What is Ferulic Acid?

Melisse and Co., Melisse & Co., Skincare Tips, Beauty Tips, Anti-aging skincare, Anti-aging cream

What is Ferulic acid?

Ferulic Acid is a plant-based antioxidant found in the cell walls of plants such as rice and oats and the seeds of apples and oranges, where it plays a key role in the plants' protection and self-preservation.

Melisse and Co., Melisse & Co., Skincare Tips, Beauty Tips, Anti-aging skincare, Anti-aging cream


How Does Ferulic Acid Improve the Skin?

Ferulic acid is primarily used in anti-aging skincare. When applied topically, Ferulic acid acts like other antioxidants in that it helps to slow the aging process by reducing the effects of damaging free radicals on the skin. It is also thought to protect against sun damage, as well as assisting in skin's regeneration functions to tackle skin that has already been over-exposed.

Ferulic acid can inhibit the enzymes responsible for melanogenesis (production of melanin) that may cause pigmentation and uneven skin tone. That’s the reason it is used mostly in anti-blemish and skin lightening cosmetics, to help prevent further damage.

In addition to working well alongside other antioxidants, it enhances the stability and the efficacy of vitamins C and E. Ferulic acid is thought to help stabilize vitamin C while also increasing its photoprotection. A recent study suggests that Ferulic acid can potentially offer twice the amount of photoprotection when combined with vitamins C and E.

Because vitamin C is not very shelf-stable on its own, since it degrades quickly, especially when exposed to sunlight. This is why vitamin C goes well with Ferulic Acid in formulas otherwise vitamin C serums ought to come in opaque or amber-colored bottles.

Previous article Why is Vitamin C Essential to Skincare?

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